Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm having an uproductive kind of day. Fortunately nobody at work knows what I actually do (this includes me), so it doesn't set off any alarms when I'm not doing it. Strangely, I'm usually pretty busy at work doing whatever it is I do. This year, we've managed to raise a lot of money, which makes me look good, but soemtimes I think it's purely a coincidence that things are going well.

In every job I've ever had, including this one, I always have a nagging suspision that I'm thorougly incompetent and a total fake, and one day people are going to figure out that if I weren't here, things would function just as well. And that they might as well replace me with someone who actually knows how to change a toner cartridge in the photocopier. Not that this has anything to do with my job, but nobody here knows how to change the toner, so we all gather around the copier like the monkeys around the obelisk in 2001: A Space Odessey.

All in all, I rather like my current job, because I like my coworkers, who come from all over the world, and because about once a week they give us hot, fresh croissants from top bakeries and sometimes we get to drink champagne at work. Because most of my co-workers are French, someone can always find an excuse (March 13 only comes once a year, after all ...).


Blogger Jolynn said...

Champagne at work, huh? Sounds like a tough job. I feel like you do sometimes, hello have you not seen my blog. I have almost three hundred entries. I'm a slacker at times too.

11:08 AM  

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