Sunday, March 26, 2006

Of Cat Real Estate and Vacations ...

I have next week off from work because it's spring break #2 at the school where I work. It's a French school (that is, a regular K-12 school, but mostly everything's taught in French, because most of the kids are from French-speaking countries. Like France, for instance.).

The French luuuuves them some vacation. They love vacation as much as they can love anything that isn't cheese. Which is one of the many reasons they make good employers. That, and they take any excuse to drink wine and/or champagne at work or work-related events, such as breakfast meetings. Well, only on special occasions (March 24, for instance, only comes once a year).

So for the first time in recent memory, I'm going to have an entire week to myself at home! For spring break #1, in February, I went to Jacksonville/Charleston, etc., and over Xmas and Thanksgiving we went to California, and most of my mini-vacations over the past year have invovled family members or close friends coming to my house or vice versa. Which is great, but it will be so weird and nice to have an entire week to sit around and pretend I'm unemployed again, which was really fun except for the part where you don't have any money, which puts a damper on all that delicious free time, because all you can afford to do is sit around the apartment not spending money.

In other news, we recently crossed over the border into the territory of Crazy Cat People. We got Seymour and Francis a cat condo (broker listing: High Ceil/HWF/Remodeled FKE MSE!!! Scratch away at this one!). Or is it a cat duplex? Either way, I'm pretty sure it has more square footage than my first apartment in New York.


Blogger econoclast said...

Enjoy it while it lasts!

1:38 PM  
Blogger littlemute said...

You have an entirely proper attitude for the task at hand! Two years ago I had 11 vacation days to burn and I took them all during Xmas so I had almost 3 weeks off. My only duty during that time was to drive this sweet jewish lady's car down to Miami, hang with my bro and his Argentine friends that say mang for a couple days and then head home. I had dreams of what I would get done, including a short story, reformating a computer or two, and other things I thankfully can't remember. NOTHING got done. I can't even remember what I got up to during that time period. What threw me off (I like to pretend) was the constant familial obligations every 2 days due to Xmas and then new years. I remember saying to myself: "Oh god, I only have 48 hours until Xmas; I can't possibly get anything done in that time." And nothing did.

6:40 AM  

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